ITx Partners is actively engaged in the Digital and Tech ecosystem in France. As such,we are a committed member of:

  • CPME Paris, the #1 representative organization of business leaders.
  • Numeum, the professional organization supporting France Digital ecosystem. Numeum brings together over 2,500 companies.
  • CRiP, the trusted circle of IT decision-makers, whose values of collaboration and return on experience resonate with ours.

CPME Paris



CPME Paris‘s main objective is to promote and defend the entrepreneurial spirit.

Their priority focus is to act within the community of SME leaders and share best practices to efficiently grow our businesses.




Numeum is focused on 3 top priorities:

  • supporting tech & digital everywhere in France ;

  • meeting the challenges of diversity and attractiveness / skills ;

  • implementing sustainable digital technology to enhance the development of a digital ecosystem with a positive impact at economical, societal and environmental levels.




The CRiP is a forum dedicated to the Tech Community of most major French groups, companies and administrations. CRIP stands for Club des Responsables d’Infrastructure, de Technologies et de Production Informatique.

Members are encouraged to share best practices with their peers and then benchmark their experiences for the welfare of the tech community.